

Close the right nostril and open the left.

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Breathe out slowly through the left nostril. This process is one round of Anulom Vilom Pranayam.

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Continue for 15 minutes. You may take a minute's rest after every five minutes of exercise.

Bahya Pranayam: External Breath

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Inhale deeply through your nose. First, feel the diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to expand and forcing the abdomen out; then feel your chest expand with your collar bones rising last.

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Exhale forcefully. Use your stomach and diaphragm to push the air from your body. “Forced” exhalation means that the contraction of your stomach muscles helps push the air out of your body. It does not mean that the exhalation should be uncomfortable for you in any way.

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Touch your chin to your chest and suck in your stomach completely. The goal is to leave a hollow below your ribcage, making it look like the front muscle wall of your abdomen is pressed against the back. Hold this position -- and your breath -- for as long as is comfortable.

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Lift your chin and breathe in slowly. Allow your lungs to completely fill with air.

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Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Bhramari Pranayam: Bee Breath

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Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing.

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Place your thumbs in your ears, your index fingers above your eyebrows, and your remaining along the sides of your nose. Keep each pinky finger near a nostril.

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Breath in deeply through the nose. First, feel the diaphragm move down, allowing the lungs to expand and forcing the abdomen out; then feel your chest expand with your collar bones rising last.

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Use your pinkies to partially close each nostril. Keep your lungs filled.

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Breathe out through the nose while humming. Note that the humming sound should originate in your throat, not as a result of your partially-blocked nostrils.

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Repeat three times.

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