Weight loss

Weight loss

Weight loss, in the context of medicine, health, or physical fitness, refers to a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon, and other connective tissue. Weight loss can either occur unintentionally due to malnourishment or an underlying disease or arise from a conscious effort to improve an actual or perceived overweight or obese state. "Unexplained" weight loss that is not caused by reduction in calorific intake or exercise is called cachexia and may be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Intentional weight loss is commonly referred to as slimming.

Weight Management

Weight management is a long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle. It includes a balance of healthy eating and physical exercise to equate energy expenditure and energy intake. Developing healthy eating habits while using tips that will keep us fuller longer can be useful tools in weight management. Knowing what your body needs is important to weight management and can control overconsumption and underconsumption of food.
Weight management does not include fad diets that promote quick, temporary weight loss. It focuses on the long-term results that are achieved through slow weight loss, followed by retention of an ideal body weight for age, sex and height.
Rising obesity rates are a major concern in North America. About 60% of Canadians are overweight or obese.Obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.Managing one’s weight is one factor in preventing such chronic diseases.


Increase protein intake, especially at breakfast
The satiating property of dietary protein is influenced by the time of protein consumption. Studies have shown that protein intake at breakfast has a greater satiety effect than later meal times.There are several explanations as to why this is the case. Firstly, protein has a greater thermogenic effect than carbohydrates and fat, which enables the body to burn more calories.Secondly, a high protein breakfast appears to slow gastric emptying, which attributes to the fact that protein appears to be the most satiating macronutrient. Finally, a high protein breakfast increases the activity of glucagon,which activates the pathways for glucose synthesis. One study showed that fat loss was approximately twice as much in the high-protein diet group than the moderate-protein diet group in overweight and obese individuals.

Plate size

Using smaller plates helps to consume smaller portion sizes and this leads to the consumption of fewer calories.Studies have shown that portion size influences energy intake.People who are presented with larger portions do not report to have a higher level of satiety, which suggests that hunger and satiety signals are ignored when a large portion of food is placed in front of them.In particular, one study showed that participants consumed 31% less calories with the small portion sized of a 6-inch submarine sandwich compared with the large portion size of a 12-inch submarine sandwich.Increased portion sizes have occurred simultaneously with the increase in obesity rates; hence, large portion sizes can be one of the factors contributing to the current increase in body weight of the US. Evidence from a systematic review of 72 randomized controlled trials indicates that people consistently eat more food when offered larger portion, package, or tableware sizes rather than smaller size alternatives.

Eat more soup

Soups have a significant satiety effect. Studies have demonstrated that compared to solid foods, soup ingestion decreases the amount of energy intake.Compared to having no soup, it has been shown that eating soup reduces total energy intake of a meals.When soup is consumed before a meal, a decrease of 20% of energy is consumed in the meal.

Choose low-calorie foods

A moderate decrease in caloric intake will lead to a slow weight loss, which may be more beneficial for long term weight management. For example, choosing a black coffee instead of a full fat latte will save calories that will add up in the long run. Low fat meats reduce the total amount of calories and cholesterol consumed.For example, traditional beef patties have 19.2% fat and 272 kcal per 100 g of meat. On the other hand, lean beef patties have 9.8%fat and 196 kcal.

Eating more dairy can aid in fat loss.

Studies have shown that a diet high in dairy decreases total body fat.This occurs because a high amount of dietary calcium increases the amount of energy and fat excreted from the body.Studies have shown that saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats all have a higher excretion rate with a high calcium intake. In these studies, a high calcium intake is considered 2300 mg and a low calcium intake is considered 700 mg. A possible explanation to this phenomenon is that high intakes of calcium cause calcium soap formation and/ or binding of bile acids in the intestine.Other studies specifically show that dairy sources of calcium demonstrate greater weight loss than supplemental calcium intake.This may be due to the other bioactive components present in milk, which may aid in metabolic efficiency and fat loss.

Incorporate more vegetables into your meals.

Fruits and vegetables have been shown to increase satiety and decrease hunger.These foods have a low energy density, which is mainly due to the high water content and partly due to the fiber content.The reduction of energy density has been shown to enhance satiety. The water adds weight, without adding calories and the fiber slows gastric emptying. Both of these factors contribute to the satiating effect of vegetables and fruits. Studies have also shown that fiber decreases hunger and also decreases total energy intake.


Dietary Fiber has been suggested to aid weight management by inducing satiety, decreasing absorption of macronutrients and promoting secretion of gut hormones.Dietary fiber consists of non-digestible carbohydrates and lignin, which are a structural component in plants. Fiber recommendations range from 10 – 13 grams/1000 calories, with slightly higher recommendations for men.
Due to the high volume or water content of fiber-rich foods, fiber displaces available calories and nutrients from the diet.Consumption of viscous fibers delays gastric emptying, which may cause an extended feeling of fullness.Satiety is also induced by increasing chewing, which limits food intake by promoting the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, resulting in an expansion of the stomach.In addition, hormone secretion is affected during fiber ingestion.Insulin response is reduced and cholecystokinin (CCK) in the small intestine is increased.Insulin regulates blood glucose levels while CCK adjusts gastric emptying, pancreatic secretion and gall bladder contraction. There is direct correlation between CCK and satiety after foods of different fiber contents are consumed.Fiber may have the added benefit of helping consumers decrease food intake throughout the day. However, results of trials examining this possibility have been conflicting. In general, large intakes of dietary fiber at breakfast are associated with less food intake at a lunch.

Resistant Starch

Resistant starch is a type of non-digestible, fermentable fiber that is resistant to amylase digestion in the small intestine, and is broken down to short-chain fatty acids by microflora in the large intestine. It is commonly found in cooked and cooled potatoes, green bananas, beans and legumes.Resistant starch dilutes energy density of food intake, has a bulking effect similar to non-fermentable fiber, and increases the expression of PYY and GLP-1 in the gut.The increase in gut hormones can affect long-term energy balance by affecting neuronal pathways in the brain as well as improved overall health of the intestines. Based on developing research, consumption of resistant starch can be an effective means of weight management.


Clinical research on capsaicin has showed that consumption of the spice during breakfast can increase energy expenditure by 23% immediately after meal ingestion.Capsaicin, also known as hot pepper, is a primary ingredient in chilli peppers and red hot peppers.Hot peppers have been reported to induce thermogenesis at the cellular level.
As well, capsaicin induces satiety as a result of oral and gastro-intestinal contribution.Lower energy and fat intake were observed under short-term conditions; however, the effect of the spice was reduced over prolonged exposure. Increased satiety was observed when oral contribution of capsaicin was measured in addition to the gastro-intestinal exposure, indicating the sensory effect of hot peppers plays a significant role.


Caffeine and black coffee have been associated with increased energy expenditure and subsequent weight loss. Caffeine belongs to a class of compounds called methylxanthines, and is present in coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate and some cola drinks. Caffeine induces a thermogenic effect in the body by increasing Sympathetic Nervous System activity, which is an important regulator of energy expenditure.

Green Tea

inhibiting hepatic and body fat accumulation, and stimulating thermogenesis due to the catechins that are present. Catechins are polyphenols that are a major component of green tea extract. Green tea has also been shown to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans, independent of the caffeine content.In a human study conducted, 690 mg of catechins daily for 12 weeks reduced body fat, suggesting that green tea might be useful in the prevention of chronic disease, particularly obesity.Moreover, catechins in the brain play a major role in satiety.

Popular diets

When assessing popular diets, it’s important to understand that a person’s food preferences, lifestyle and medical conditions should be taken into account when choosing the correct diet. Adherence level to the diet is a bigger determinant of clinical benefits over the diet type itself  Also “dieting” needs to be a lifestyle change and can’t just be for a short term amount of time.

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers offers a variety of dieting products and services to assist weight loss and maintenance by a calorie restricting method. Weight watchers promote healthy habits, a supportive environment, exercise and healthy food choices . A member to selects a goal weight that will result in a body mass index (BMI) generally accepted as healthy (18 – 24.9).Participants are encouraged to produce a rate of weight loss up to 2 pounds per week.Their food guide promotes food choices that not only reduce calories, but also meet nutritional recommendations.Exercise is also recommended for weight loss and is incorporated into their points system. They use a points system that incorporates calories, fat, and dietary fiber content of each food and you are given a certain number of points you are supposed to consume each day.


Their food guide promotes food choices that reduce calories, and also meet nutritional recommendations.
They construct an activity plan along with nutritional guidelines to encourage exercise.
They offer support and encouragement through weekly meetings
Is a slower weight loss than other more restrictive diets. This seems like a weakness, but most medical authorities recommend keeping weight loss at 1-2 pounds a week.


Can be quite expensive over time
The Atkins Diet
The Atkins Diet involves the restriction of carbohydrates in ones diet causing the body's metabolism to switch from burning glucose as fuel to burning stored body fat, sending the body into a state of ketosis . Ketosis causes a person to get their energy from ketones, which also causes you to feel less hungry . Carbohydrate consumption must be <40 grams/day (= 2 slices of bread) for ketosis to occur.


Allowed to eat rich foods
When in ketosis you feel less hungry and more satisfied


Ketosis causes unusual breath odor and constipation
There is worry that the diet promotes heart disease and there is a potential loss of bone and it is not recommended for people with liver and kidney problems due to the high amounts of protein.
The preferred source of energy for the brain is glucose, which is decreased in a low-carbohydrate diet
GM Diet

Weight loss

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Weight loss is when a person weighs less than before. A person can lose weight by running, swimming or doing any other activity. Also, a person might eat a healthier diet to lose weight. There are many diet and exercises programs available to lose weight. Many people lose weight when they eat less sugar and more vegetables, fruits and lean meat.

Weight loss can happen for different reasons

Health related - losing weight because of sickness like flu and fever, or even more serious like cancer and HIV.
Exercise related - when weight loss is caused by using more energy than you provide to your body - this will end up in burning your reserves - fat.
Diet related - by lowering the energy intake or some part of diet causing fat to be burned.
In many countries weight loss is caused by sociological pressure mostly on woman to have slim and fit figure.

Unintentional weight loss

Problem signs

Unintentional weight loss is when a person loses weight without trying. It can be a symptom of some types of cancer.Stress can cause unintentional weight loss.Stress can come from divorce, changing jobs or over the loss of a loved one.Once the stress is removed and the person feels happier again, the weight may return to normal.Depression may also cause weight loss. Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia can cause significant weight loss.These disorders usually require the help of health care professionals.


Getting enough sleep helps to avoid gaining excess weight. Over time, getting more sleep can help a person to lose weight.The main reason is not getting enough sleep leaves a person tired during the day and prone to eating more food.Getting enough sleep helps in maintaining healthy eating habits.

With every breath

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Without going to the bathroom, a person naturally loses over 1 pound (0.45 kg) while they sleep at night. One reason is humans breathe in oxygen but breathes out carbon dioxide.That is breathing in one molecule of Oxygen for every two molecules of carbon each time they breathe out. A molecule of carbon does not weigh much by itself, but given that with each breath twenty billion-trillion molecules are expelled, over a 7-8 hour period that adds up to over a pound of carbon.Normal perspiration occurs while sleeping but usually only causes a small amount of water weight loss.
Your body also burns calories while you sleep.

Diet vs exercise

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It is well known that lean mass (muscle and bone) burn more energy than fat.Even at rest, a body with more muscle tissue will burn more calories.

Exercise alone can be effective in weight loss.Several studies found similar results. The comparison between dieting and exercising found both resulted in weight loss. The conclusion was that using both diet and exercise together was the most effective method of weight loss and in maintaining a healthy body.

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